- Skip bandit error B113 - Fix some style errors - Adjust requirements - Stop running python27 jobs - Remove unit test jobs as on zuul tempest plugins are not loaded Change-Id: I14fa84dfe8ed8f30f7bc4e2432b92c1b6387eb3e
Tempest plugin vmware-nsx-tempest-plugin
This repo hosts vmware-nsx's functional api and scenario tests.
vmware-nsx is Vmware plugin for neutron. This repo is tempest plugin to test vmware-nsx at function level. All vmware-nsx-tempest-plugin tests are in "master" branch. Some of the tests are designed based on N-S traffic. Intstall thsi repo on external VM to run entire test suite.
- Free software: Apache license
- Launchpad: https://launchpad.net/vmware-nsx-tempest-plugin
- Source: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/vmware-nsx-tempest-plugin
- Bugs: http://bugs.launchpad.net/vmware-nsx-tempest-plugin
- API tests
- Scenario tests
On your own development folder, for example /opt/stack/, install your own tempest development env at /opt/stack/tempest/:
$ cd /opt/stack $ git clone https://github.com/openstack/tempest
Install virtualenv with the following command:
$ cd /opt/stack/tempest $ ./run_tempest.sh -u not_exist_tests
Install vmware-nsx-tempest-plugin master branch at /opt/stack:
$ cd /opt/stack $ git clone https://github.com/openstack/vmware-nsx-tempest-plugin.git
Install vmware-nsx-tempest-plugin in your tempest development environment:
$ cd /opt/stack $ sudo pip install -e vmware-nsx-tempest-plugin
Run command:
$ pip show vmware-nsx-tempest-plugin
You should observe the following statements:
Location: /opt/stack/vmware-nsx-tempest-plugin
Validate installed vmware_nsx_tempest_plugin successfully do:
$ cd /opt/stack/vmware-nsx-tempest-plugin $ ostestr -l vmware_nsx_tempest_plugin $ ostestr vmware_nsx_tempest_plugin.tests.nsxv3.scenario.test_mdproxy.TestMDProxy.test_mdproxy_ping $ python -m testtools.run vmware_nsx_tempest.tests.nsxv3.scenario.test_mdproxy.TestMDProxy.test_mdproxy_ping
Your installation failed, if no tests are shown.
vmware-nsx-tempest tests are tempest tests, you need to run from tempest directory. For example, to run only l2-gateway tests:
$ cd /opt/stack/tempest
$ ostestr vmware_nsx_tempest_plugin.*test_l2_gateway
$ ostestr vmware_nsx_tempest_plugin.tests.nsxv.api.test_l2_gateway_connection.L2GatewayConnectionTest.test_csuld_single_device_interface_vlan
TechNote on vmware-nsx-tempest-plugin:
vmware-nsx-tempest-plugin is a plugin to tempest, not neutron, nor vmware-nsx. It is defined by tempest.test_plugins.
Modules within vmware-nsx-tempest can not see resources defined by vmware-nsx. Commands like following will not work, unless vmware-nsx is installed in your tempest environment:
import vmware_nsx.shell.admin.plugins.common.utils as admin_utils