# Copyright 2016 VMware, Inc. # All Rights Reserved # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from oslo_config import cfg from vmware_nsx._i18n import _ from vmware_nsx.common import availability_zones as common_az from vmware_nsx.common import config from vmware_nsx.common import exceptions as nsx_exc DEFAULT_NAME = common_az.DEFAULT_NAME class NsxVAvailabilityZone(common_az.ConfiguredAvailabilityZone): def init_from_config_line(self, config_line): values = config_line.split(':') if len(values) < 4 or len(values) > 5: raise nsx_exc.NsxInvalidConfiguration( opt_name="availability_zones", opt_value=config_line, reason=_("Expected 4 or 5 values per zone")) self.resource_pool = values[1] self.datastore_id = values[2] # validate the edge_ha if values[3].lower() == "true": self.edge_ha = True elif values[3].lower() == "false": self.edge_ha = False else: raise nsx_exc.NsxInvalidConfiguration( opt_name="availability_zones", opt_value=config_line, reason=_("Expected the 4th value to be true/false")) # HA datastore id is relevant only with edge_ha if not self.edge_ha and len(values) == 5: raise nsx_exc.NsxInvalidConfiguration( opt_name="availability_zones", opt_value=config_line, reason=_("Expected HA datastore ID only when edge_ha is " "enabled")) self.ha_datastore_id = values[4] if len(values) == 5 else None # Some parameters are not supported in this format. # using the global ones instead. self.ha_placement_random = cfg.CONF.nsxv.ha_placement_random self.datacenter_moid = cfg.CONF.nsxv.datacenter_moid self.backup_edge_pool = cfg.CONF.nsxv.backup_edge_pool self.external_network = cfg.CONF.nsxv.external_network self.vdn_scope_id = cfg.CONF.nsxv.vdn_scope_id self.dvs_id = cfg.CONF.nsxv.dvs_id self.edge_host_groups = cfg.CONF.nsxv.edge_host_groups self.exclusive_dhcp_edge = cfg.CONF.nsxv.exclusive_dhcp_edge # No support for metadata per az self.az_metadata_support = False self.mgt_net_moid = None self.mgt_net_proxy_ips = [] self.mgt_net_proxy_netmask = None self.mgt_net_default_gateway = None def init_from_config_section(self, az_name): az_info = config.get_nsxv_az_opts(az_name) self.resource_pool = az_info.get('resource_pool_id') if not self.resource_pool: raise nsx_exc.NsxInvalidConfiguration( opt_name="resource_pool_id", opt_value='None', reason=(_("resource_pool_id for availability zone %s " "must be defined") % az_name)) self.datastore_id = az_info.get('datastore_id') if not self.datastore_id: raise nsx_exc.NsxInvalidConfiguration( opt_name="datastore_id", opt_value='None', reason=(_("datastore_id for availability zone %s " "must be defined") % az_name)) self.edge_ha = az_info.get('edge_ha', False) # The HA datastore can be empty self.ha_datastore_id = (az_info.get('ha_datastore_id') if self.edge_ha else None) if self.ha_datastore_id and not self.edge_ha: raise nsx_exc.NsxInvalidConfiguration( opt_name="ha_datastore_id", opt_value=self.ha_datastore_id, reason=_("Expected HA datastore ID only when edge_ha is " "enabled for availability zone %s") % az_name) # The optional parameters will get the global values if not # defined for this AZ self.ha_placement_random = az_info.get('ha_placement_random') if self.ha_placement_random is None: self.ha_placement_random = ( cfg.CONF.nsxv.ha_placement_random) self.datacenter_moid = az_info.get('datacenter_moid') if not self.datacenter_moid: self.datacenter_moid = cfg.CONF.nsxv.datacenter_moid self.backup_edge_pool = az_info.get('backup_edge_pool', []) if not self.backup_edge_pool: self.backup_edge_pool = cfg.CONF.nsxv.backup_edge_pool self.external_network = az_info.get('external_network') if not self.external_network: self.external_network = cfg.CONF.nsxv.external_network self.vdn_scope_id = az_info.get('vdn_scope_id') if not self.vdn_scope_id: self.vdn_scope_id = cfg.CONF.nsxv.vdn_scope_id self.dvs_id = az_info.get('dvs_id') if not self.dvs_id: self.dvs_id = cfg.CONF.nsxv.dvs_id self.edge_host_groups = az_info.get('edge_host_groups', []) if not self.edge_host_groups: self.edge_host_groups = cfg.CONF.nsxv.edge_host_groups self.exclusive_dhcp_edge = az_info.get('exclusive_dhcp_edge', False) # Support for metadata per az only if configured, and different # from the global one self.mgt_net_proxy_ips = az_info.get('mgt_net_proxy_ips') if self.mgt_net_proxy_ips: # make sure there are no over lapping ips with the # global configuration if (set(self.mgt_net_proxy_ips) & set(cfg.CONF.nsxv.mgt_net_proxy_ips)): raise nsx_exc.NsxInvalidConfiguration( opt_name="mgt_net_proxy_ips", opt_value='None', reason=(_("mgt_net_proxy_ips for availability zone " "%s must be different from global one") % az_name)) self.az_metadata_support = True self.mgt_net_moid = az_info.get('mgt_net_moid') if not self.mgt_net_moid: self.mgt_net_moid = cfg.CONF.nsxv.mgt_net_moid self.mgt_net_proxy_netmask = az_info.get( 'mgt_net_proxy_netmask') if not self.mgt_net_proxy_netmask: self.mgt_net_proxy_netmask = ( cfg.CONF.nsxv.mgt_net_proxy_netmask) self.mgt_net_default_gateway = az_info.get( 'mgt_net_default_gateway') if not self.mgt_net_default_gateway: self.mgt_net_default_gateway = ( cfg.CONF.nsxv.mgt_net_default_gateway) else: self.az_metadata_support = False self.mgt_net_moid = None self.mgt_net_proxy_ips = [] self.mgt_net_proxy_netmask = None self.mgt_net_default_gateway = None def init_default_az(self): # use the default configuration self.resource_pool = cfg.CONF.nsxv.resource_pool_id self.datastore_id = cfg.CONF.nsxv.datastore_id self.edge_ha = cfg.CONF.nsxv.edge_ha self.ha_datastore_id = cfg.CONF.nsxv.ha_datastore_id self.ha_placement_random = cfg.CONF.nsxv.ha_placement_random self.datacenter_moid = cfg.CONF.nsxv.datacenter_moid self.backup_edge_pool = cfg.CONF.nsxv.backup_edge_pool self.az_metadata_support = True self.mgt_net_moid = cfg.CONF.nsxv.mgt_net_moid self.mgt_net_proxy_ips = cfg.CONF.nsxv.mgt_net_proxy_ips self.mgt_net_proxy_netmask = cfg.CONF.nsxv.mgt_net_proxy_netmask self.mgt_net_default_gateway = ( cfg.CONF.nsxv.mgt_net_default_gateway) self.external_network = cfg.CONF.nsxv.external_network self.vdn_scope_id = cfg.CONF.nsxv.vdn_scope_id self.dvs_id = cfg.CONF.nsxv.dvs_id self.edge_host_groups = cfg.CONF.nsxv.edge_host_groups self.exclusive_dhcp_edge = cfg.CONF.nsxv.exclusive_dhcp_edge def supports_metadata(self): # Return True if this az has it's own metadata configuration # If False - it uses the global metadata (if defined) return self.az_metadata_support class NsxVAvailabilityZones(common_az.ConfiguredAvailabilityZones): def __init__(self, validate_default=False): super(NsxVAvailabilityZones, self).__init__( cfg.CONF.nsxv.availability_zones, NsxVAvailabilityZone, validate_default=validate_default) def get_inventory(self): """Return a set of relevant resources in all the availability zones """ resources = set() for az in self.list_availability_zones_objects(): if az.resource_pool: resources.add(az.resource_pool) if az.datastore_id: resources.add(az.datastore_id) if az.ha_datastore_id: resources.add(az.ha_datastore_id) return resources def get_unique_non_default_param(self, param_name): """Return a set of all configured values of one of az params Ignore the value of the default AZ """ resources = set() default_val = None for az in self.list_availability_zones_objects(): az_val = getattr(az, param_name) if az.is_default(): default_val = az_val elif az_val: resources.add(az_val) # remove the default value if default_val: resources.discard(default_val) return resources def get_additional_vdn_scope(self): return self.get_unique_non_default_param("vdn_scope_id") def get_additional_mgt_net(self): return self.get_unique_non_default_param("mgt_net_moid") def get_additional_ext_net(self): return self.get_unique_non_default_param("external_network") def get_additional_datacenter(self): return self.get_unique_non_default_param("datacenter_moid") def get_additional_dvs_ids(self): return self.get_unique_non_default_param("dvs_id")