This change replaces remaining occurences of the notify method with calls to the publish method. As NSX admin utilities heavily rely on callbacks, this change also ensures that all callbacks are now accepting event payloads rather thank kwargs. Change-Id: I0450fff486898d6ab74086b7952dc27134cb77e2
700 lines
28 KiB
700 lines
28 KiB
# Copyright 2019 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import sys
import netaddr
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_serialization import jsonutils
from oslo_utils import uuidutils
from networking_l2gw.db.l2gateway import l2gateway_models
from neutron.services.qos import qos_plugin
from neutron_lib.api.definitions import allowedaddresspairs as addr_apidef
from neutron_lib.api.definitions import port_security as psec
from neutron_lib.api.definitions import portbindings as pbin
from neutron_lib.api.definitions import provider_net as pnet
from neutron_lib.api import validators
from neutron_lib.callbacks import registry
from neutron_lib import constants as nl_constants
from neutron_lib import context as n_context
from vmware_nsx.common import config
from vmware_nsx.common import exceptions as nsx_exc
from vmware_nsx.common import nsxv_constants
from vmware_nsx.common import utils as c_utils
from vmware_nsx.db import nsx_portbindings_db as portbinding
from vmware_nsx.db import nsxv_db
from vmware_nsx.plugins.nsx_v import availability_zones as nsx_az
from vmware_nsx.services.lbaas.nsx_p.implementation import lb_utils as lb_pol
from vmware_nsx.services.lbaas.nsx_v import lbaas_common as lb_common
from vmware_nsx.services.lbaas.nsx_v3.implementation import lb_utils
from vmware_nsx.services.lbaas.octavia import constants as oct_const
from vmware_nsx.services.qos.nsx_v3 import pol_utils as qos_utils
from vmware_nsx.shell.admin.plugins.common import constants
from vmware_nsx.shell.admin.plugins.common import formatters
from vmware_nsx.shell.admin.plugins.common import utils as admin_utils
from vmware_nsx.shell.admin.plugins.nsxv.resources import utils
from vmware_nsx.shell import resources as shell
from vmware_nsxlib.v3 import nsx_constants as nsxlib_consts
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def _get_router_from_network(context, plugin, subnet_id):
subnet = plugin.get_subnet(context.elevated(), subnet_id)
network_id = subnet['network_id']
ports = plugin._get_network_interface_ports(
context.elevated(), network_id)
if ports:
return ports[0]['device_id']
all_errors = []
all_warnings = []
n_errors = 0
n_warnings = 0
def log_error(msg):
global n_errors
LOG.error("ERROR: %s", msg)
n_errors = n_errors + 1
def log_warning(msg):
global n_warnings
LOG.warning("WARNING: %s", msg)
n_warnings = n_warnings + 1
def _validate_ports(plugin, admin_context):
# Ports validations:
# Max number of allowed address pairs (allowing 1 for fixed ips)
num_allowed_addr_pairs = nsxlib_consts.NUM_ALLOWED_IP_ADDRESSES_v4 - 1
ports = plugin.get_ports(admin_context)
for port in ports:
net_id = port['network_id']
# Too many address pairs in a port
address_pairs = port.get(addr_apidef.ADDRESS_PAIRS, [])
if len(address_pairs) > num_allowed_addr_pairs:
log_warning("%s allowed address pairs for port %s. "
"Only %s are allowed." %
(len(address_pairs), port['id'],
fixed_ips = [fixed.get('ip_address')
for fixed in port['fixed_ips']]
for pair in address_pairs:
if (port['mac_address'] == pair['mac_address'] and
pair['ip_address'] in fixed_ips):
log_error("Port %s address pair cannot be "
"identical to the fixed ip." % port['id'])
# Compute port on external network
if (port.get('device_owner', '').startswith(
plugin._network_is_external(admin_context, net_id)):
log_error("Compute port %s on external network %s is "
"not allowed." % (port['id'], net_id))
# direct vnic ports are allowed only with vlan networks, and port
# security must be disabled
vnic = port.get(pbin.VNIC_TYPE)
if vnic in portbinding.VNIC_TYPES_DIRECT_PASSTHROUGH:
net = plugin.get_network(admin_context, port['network_id'])
net_type = net.get(pnet.NETWORK_TYPE)
if net_type != 'vlan':
log_error("Port %s vnic type %s is not supported "
"with network type %s." % (port['id'],
vnic, net_type))
elif port.get(psec.PORTSECURITY):
log_error("Security features are not supported for port %s "
"with vnic type %s." % (port['id'], vnic))
def _validate_networks(plugin, admin_context, transit_networks):
# Networks & subnets validations:
networks = plugin.get_networks(admin_context)
for net in networks:
# Skip internal networks
if net['project_id'] == nsxv_constants.INTERNAL_TENANT_ID:
# Skip public networks
if plugin._network_is_external(admin_context, net['id']):
# portgroup provider networks are not supported
# This includes FLAT and PORTGROUP networks
net_type = net.get(pnet.NETWORK_TYPE)
overlay_net = bool(net_type != c_utils.NsxVNetworkTypes.VLAN)
if (net_type in [c_utils.NsxVNetworkTypes.PORTGROUP,
log_error("Network %s of type %s is not supported." %
(net['id'], net_type))
subnets = plugin._get_subnets_by_network(admin_context, net['id'])
n_dhcp_subnets = 0
# Multiple DHCP subnets per network
for subnet in subnets:
if subnet['enable_dhcp']:
n_dhcp_subnets = n_dhcp_subnets + 1
if n_dhcp_subnets > 1:
log_error("Network %s has %s dhcp subnets. Only 1 is "
"allowed." % (net['id'], n_dhcp_subnets))
# Network attached to multiple routers
router_ids = set(plugin._get_network_router_ids(
admin_context, net['id']))
if len(router_ids) > 1:
log_error("Network %s has interfaces on multiple "
"routers (%s). Only 1 is allowed."
% (net['id'], ",".join(router_ids)))
if (cfg.CONF.vlan_transparent and
net.get('vlan_transparent') is True):
if len(router_ids) > 0:
log_error("VLAN Transparent network %s cannot be "
"attached to a logical router." % net['id'])
if n_dhcp_subnets > 0:
log_error("DHCP is not supported for VLAN "
"transparent network %s." % net['id'])
# Subnets overlapping with the transit network
ipv6_subnets = 0
intf_ports = plugin._get_network_interface_ports(
admin_context, net['id'])
for subnet in subnets:
# get the subnet IPs
if ('allocation_pools' in subnet and
# use the pools instead of the cidr
subnet_networks = [
netaddr.IPRange(pool.get('start'), pool.get('end'))
for pool in subnet.get('allocation_pools')]
cidr = subnet.get('cidr')
if not validators.is_attr_set(cidr):
subnet_networks = [netaddr.IPNetwork(subnet['cidr'])]
for subnet_net in subnet_networks:
if (netaddr.IPSet(subnet_net) &
log_error("Subnet %s overlaps with the transit "
"network ips: %s." %
(subnet['id'], transit_networks))
# Cannot support non-dhcp overlay subnet attached to a router
# if there is also a dhcp subnet on the same network and the
# same ipver
if (overlay_net and n_dhcp_subnets > 0 and
not subnet['enable_dhcp'] and
subnet.get('ip_version', 4) == 4):
# look for a router interface for this subnet
for if_port in intf_ports:
if if_port['fixed_ips']:
if_sub = if_port['fixed_ips'][0]['subnet_id']
if subnet['id'] == if_sub:
log_error("Network %s has non-dhcp "
"subnet attached to a router, and "
"another dhcp subnet. This is not "
"allowed." % net['id'])
# Cannot use a non-gateway subnet attached to a router
if not subnet['gateway_ip']:
for if_port in intf_ports:
if if_port['fixed_ips']:
if_sub = if_port['fixed_ips'][0]['subnet_id']
if subnet['id'] == if_sub:
log_error("Subnet %s attached to a "
"router must have a gateway IP." %
# The gateway ip must belong to the subnet
gw_ip = netaddr.IPAddress(subnet['gateway_ip'])
cidr = netaddr.IPNetwork(subnet['cidr'])
if gw_ip.version != cidr.version:
log_error("Subnet %s gateway ip version %s "
"does not match subnet cidr." %
(subnet['id'], gw_ip.version))
if gw_ip not in cidr:
log_error("Subnet %s gateway ip %s does not belong to "
"subnet cidr %s" %
(subnet['id'], subnet['gateway_ip'],
# only 2 dns_nameservers allowed
if len(subnet.get('dns_nameservers', [])) > 2:
log_error("Subnet %s cannot have more than 2 "
"dns_nameservers." % subnet['id'])
if subnet.get('ip_version') == 6:
ipv6_subnets = ipv6_subnets + 1
if ipv6_subnets > 1:
log_error("Network %s cannot have more than 1 "
"IPv6 subnets." % net['id'])
def _validate_routers(plugin, admin_context):
# Routers validations:
routers = plugin.get_routers(admin_context)
for router in routers:
# Interface subnets overlap with the GW subnet
gw_subnets = plugin._find_router_gw_subnets(admin_context, router)
gw_cidrs = [subnet['cidr'] for subnet in gw_subnets]
gw_ip_set = netaddr.IPSet(gw_cidrs)
if_cidrs = plugin._find_router_subnets_cidrs(
admin_context, router['id'])
if_ip_set = netaddr.IPSet(if_cidrs)
if gw_ip_set & if_ip_set:
log_error("Interface network of router %s cannot "
"overlap with router GW network" % router['id'])
# router without external gw cannot be attached to a vlan subnet
router_db = plugin._get_router(admin_context, router['id'])
if not router_db.gw_port:
router_subnets = plugin._load_router_subnet_cidrs_from_db(
admin_context, router['id'])
for subnet in router_subnets:
net_id = subnet['network_id']
net = plugin.get_network(admin_context, net_id)
net_type = net.get(pnet.NETWORK_TYPE)
if net_type == c_utils.NsxVNetworkTypes.VLAN:
log_error("Vlan network %s cannot be attached "
"to router %s without a gateway" % (net_id,
def _validate_loadbalancers(plugin, admin_context):
# Octavia loadbalancers validation:
filters = {'device_owner': [nl_constants.DEVICE_OWNER_LOADBALANCERV2,
lbs_map = {}
lb_ports = plugin.get_ports(admin_context, filters=filters)
for port in lb_ports:
lb_id = port.get('device_id')
fixed_ips = port.get('fixed_ips', [])
if fixed_ips:
subnet_id = fixed_ips[0]['subnet_id']
network = lb_utils.get_network_from_subnet(
admin_context, plugin, subnet_id)
lb_rtr_id = _get_router_from_network(
admin_context, plugin, subnet_id)
# only 20 loadbalancers are allowed on the same router
if lb_rtr_id not in lbs_map:
lbs_map[lb_rtr_id] = 1
lbs_map[lb_rtr_id] = lbs_map[lb_rtr_id] + 1
if lbs_map[lb_rtr_id] == lb_pol.SERVICE_LB_TAG_MAX + 1:
log_error("Router %s has over %s attached "
"loadbalancers. This is not supported." %
(lb_rtr_id, lb_pol.SERVICE_LB_TAG_MAX))
# Loadbalancer vip subnet must be connected to a router or
# belong to an external network
if (not lb_rtr_id and network and
not network.get('router:external')):
log_error("Loadbalancer %s subnet %s is not "
"external nor connected to a router." %
(port.get('device_id'), subnet_id))
if not lb_id:
lb_id = lb_id[3:]
lb_binding = nsxv_db.get_nsxv_lbaas_loadbalancer_binding(
admin_context.session, lb_id)
if not lb_binding or not lb_binding['edge_id']:
LOG.info("Cannot find edge for Loadbalancer %s", lb_id)
edge_id = lb_binding['edge_id']
# Multiple listeners on the same pool is not supported
result = plugin.nsx_v.vcns.get_vips(edge_id)
if len(result) == 2:
edge_vs = result[1]
pools = []
for vip in edge_vs.get('virtualServer', []):
if not vip.get('defaultPoolId'):
if vip['defaultPoolId'] in pools:
log_error("Found multiple listeners using the "
"same default pool with loadbalancer %s. "
"This is not supported." % lb_id)
# Cannot support LB with members from various subnets not uplinked
# to the same edge router. This can be indicated by multiple
# internal interfaces on the LB edge
is_old_lb = lb_common.is_lb_on_router_edge(
admin_context, plugin, edge_id)
if not is_old_lb:
filters = {'device_id': [lb_id],
'device_owner': [lb_common.LBAAS_DEVICE_OWNER]}
lb_ports = plugin.get_ports(admin_context, filters=filters)
# get the subnets of those ports
lb_subnets = list(set([port['fixed_ips'][0]['subnet_id']
for port in lb_ports]))
# make sure all subnets are connected to the same router
lb_routers = []
if lb_rtr_id:
lb_routers = [lb_rtr_id]
for sub_id in lb_subnets:
# skip external subnets
network = lb_utils.get_network_from_subnet(
admin_context, plugin, sub_id)
if network.get('router:external'):
# Member on external subnet must have a fip but this cannot
# be checked here are the member ip is unknown
router_id = _get_router_from_network(
admin_context, plugin, sub_id)
if not router_id:
log_error("Found member of subnet %s not "
"uplinked to any router on loadbalancer "
"%s. This is not supported." %
(sub_id, lb_id))
elif router_id not in lb_routers:
if len(lb_routers) > 1:
log_error("Found members/vips from different "
"subnets or uplinks to different routers on "
"loadbalancer %s. This is not supported." %
# Make sure this router has a gateway
if lb_routers:
router_db = plugin._get_router(admin_context, lb_routers[0])
if not router_db.gw_port:
log_error("Loadbalancer's %s subnets are connected to a "
"router without a gateway. This is not "
"supported." % lb_id)
def _validate_security_groups(plugin, admin_context):
# Security groups without policies
sgs = plugin.get_security_groups(admin_context)
for sg in sgs:
if plugin._is_policy_security_group(admin_context, sg['id']):
log_error("Security group %s has NSX policy. This is not "
"supported." % sg['id'])
def _get_config_ext_nets():
config.register_nsxv_azs(cfg.CONF, cfg.CONF.nsxv.availability_zones)
zones = nsx_az.NsxVAvailabilityZones()
nets = []
for az in zones.list_availability_zones_objects():
return nets
def _validate_non_neutron_networks(admin_context):
# Look for orphaned neutron networks and non neutron backend networks
backend_networks = utils.get_networks()
missing_networks = utils.get_orphaned_networks(backend_networks)
config_networks = _get_config_ext_nets()
missing_morefs = []
for net in missing_networks:
log_warning("NSX backend network %s:%s is missing from Neutron "
"and is probably an orphaned. Please delete it." %
(net.get('moref'), net.get('name')))
for net in backend_networks:
moref = net['moref']
name = net['name']
net_type = net['type']
if moref in missing_morefs:
# Already reported
if ((len(name) < 36 or not uuidutils.is_uuid_like(name)) and
net_type in ['DistributedVirtualPortgroup', 'VirtualWire']):
if (net_type == 'DistributedVirtualPortgroup' and
if moref in config_networks:
if name:
# Find the vlan networks
id_from_name = name[-36:]
if nsxv_db.get_network_bindings(admin_context.session,
if net_type == 'DistributedVirtualPortgroup':
if nsxv_db.get_network_bindings_by_physical_net(
admin_context.session, moref):
if net_type == 'VirtualWire':
# Find internal networks for distributed routers
filters = {'lswitch_id': moref}
if nsxv_db.get_nsxv_router_bindings(admin_context.session,
log_warning("NSX backend network %s:%s is not a "
"Neutron network and cannot be migrated. "
"Please delete it or migrate it manually." %
(moref, name))
def _validate_non_neutron_edges():
# Look for orphaned or non-neutron edges
orphaned_edges = utils.get_orphaned_edges_data()
for edge in orphaned_edges:
log_warning("NSX %s:%s does not belong to Neutron. "
"Please delete it." %
(edge.get('id'), edge.get('name')))
def _validate_qos(admin_context):
# Validate QoS limits
qos_plugin_inst = qos_plugin.QoSPlugin()
policies = qos_plugin_inst.get_policies(admin_context)
for policy in policies:
for rule in policy.get('rules', []):
if rule.get('type') == 'bandwidth_limit':
# Validate the limits
if rule.get('max_kbps') < qos_utils.MAX_KBPS_MIN_VALUE:
log_error("QoS Policy %s has max_kbps below the "
"minimal value of %s. This is not supported." %
(policy['id'], rule['max_kbps']))
if rule.get('max_burst_kbps') > qos_utils.MAX_BURST_MAX_VALUE:
log_error("QoS Policy %s has max_burst_kbps above "
"the maximal value of %s. This is not "
"supported." %
(policy['id'], rule['max_burst_kbps']))
def _validate_l2gw(admin_context):
# L2GW is not supported with the policy plugin
l2gws = admin_context.session.query(l2gateway_models.L2Gateway).all()
except Exception:
# L2GW DB was not initialized
if len(l2gws):
log_error("Found %s L2Gws: %s. Networking-l2gw is not "
"supported." % (len(l2gws), [l2gw.id for l2gw in l2gws]))
def _validate_config():
# General config options / per AZ which are unsupported
config.register_nsxv_azs(cfg.CONF, cfg.CONF.nsxv.availability_zones)
zones = nsx_az.NsxVAvailabilityZones()
unsupported_configs = ['edge_ha', 'edge_host_groups']
for az in zones.list_availability_zones_objects():
for attr in unsupported_configs:
if getattr(az, attr):
log_warning("\'%s\' configuration is not supported "
"and will not be honored by NSX-T (availability "
"zone %s)" % (attr, az.name))
def validate_config_for_migration(resource, event, trigger, **kwargs):
"""Validate the nsxv configuration before migration to nsx-t"""
# Read the command line parameters
transit_networks = [""]
strict = False
out_file = None
if kwargs.get('property'):
# input validation
properties = admin_utils.parse_multi_keyval_opt(kwargs['property'])
transit_network = properties.get('transit-network')
if transit_network:
transit_networks = [transit_network]
strict = bool(properties.get('strict', 'false').lower() == 'true')
out_file = properties.get('summary-file-name')
LOG.info("Running migration config validation in %sstrict mode",
'' if strict else 'non-')
global all_errors
all_errors = []
global all_warnings
all_warnings = []
global n_errors
n_errors = 0
global n_warnings
n_warnings = 0
admin_context = n_context.get_admin_context()
with utils.NsxVPluginWrapper() as plugin:
# The migration is supported only for NSX 6.4.9 and above
nsx_ver = plugin.nsx_v.vcns.get_version()
if not c_utils.is_nsxv_version_6_4_9(nsx_ver):
log_error("Migration with NSX-V version %s is not "
"supported." % nsx_ver)
_validate_ports(plugin, admin_context)
_validate_networks(plugin, admin_context, transit_networks)
_validate_routers(plugin, admin_context)
_validate_loadbalancers(plugin, admin_context)
_validate_security_groups(plugin, admin_context)
except nsx_exc.NsxPluginException:
log_error("NSX-V configuration cannot be migrated because the "
"plugin is currently down. This may be caused by a "
"connectivity issue with the NSX-v")
LOG.info("\nPre-migration validation is complete")
if n_errors:
LOG.info("\nFound %s errors:", n_errors)
for msg in all_errors:
if n_warnings:
LOG.info("\nFound %s warnings:", n_warnings)
for msg in all_warnings:
if out_file:
f = open(out_file, "w")
if n_errors:
f.write("Found %s errors:\n" % n_errors)
for msg in all_errors:
f.write("%s\n" % msg)
if n_warnings:
f.write("Found %s warnings:\n" % n_warnings)
for msg in all_warnings:
f.write("%s\n" % msg)
if strict:
n_errors = n_errors + n_warnings
if n_errors > 0:
plural = n_errors > 1
LOG.info("\nThe NSX-V plugin configuration is not ready to be "
"migrated to NSX-T. %s issue%s found.", n_errors,
's were' if plural else ' was')
LOG.info("\nThe NSX-V plugin configuration is ready to be migrated to "
def list_ports_vif_ids(resource, event, trigger, **kwargs):
filename = None
if kwargs.get('property'):
properties = admin_utils.parse_multi_keyval_opt(kwargs['property'])
filename = properties.get('map-file')
admin_context = n_context.get_admin_context()
table_results = []
map_results = {}
with utils.NsxVPluginWrapper() as plugin:
neutron_ports = plugin.get_ports(admin_context)
for port in neutron_ports:
# skip non compute ports
if (not port.get('device_owner').startswith(
device_id = port.get('device_id')
port_id = port['id']
vnic_index = plugin._get_port_vnic_index(admin_context, port_id)
table_results.append({'neutron_id': port_id,
'instance_id': device_id,
'vnic_index': vnic_index})
if vnic_index is not None:
map_results[port_id] = '%s:%s' % (device_id, 4000 + vnic_index)
"Compute ports VID IDs", table_results,
['neutron_id', 'instance_id', 'vnic_index']))
if filename:
f = open(filename, "w")
f.write("%s" % jsonutils.dumps(map_results))
LOG.info("Mapping data saved into %s", filename)
def build_edge_mapping_file(resource, event, trigger, **kwargs):
filename = None
if kwargs.get('property'):
properties = admin_utils.parse_multi_keyval_opt(kwargs['property'])
filename = properties.get('map-file')
context = n_context.get_admin_context()
mappings = []
with utils.NsxVPluginWrapper() as plugin:
routers = plugin.get_routers(context)
for router in routers:
if router.get('distributed'):
binding = nsxv_db.get_nsxv_router_binding(context.session,
if binding:
edge_id = binding['edge_id']
{'v_edges': [edge_id],
'policy_gateway_name': router['id']})
if not mappings:
LOG.info("No edge mapping available. Not producing output file")
data = [{'name': 'dlr_edges_to_migrate',
'v_edges_to_policy_gateways_mappings': mappings}]
"DLR/Neutron router id mappings", mappings,
['v_edges', 'policy_gateway_name']))
if filename:
f = open(filename, "w")
f.write("%s" % jsonutils.dumps(data))
LOG.info("Edge mapping data saved into %s", filename)