Until know, for scale issues, the creation of some NSX backend resources for loadbalancing was postpone until the first member creation. This complicates the code unnecessarily, since the scale issues were already resolved. The new code will create the matching backend objects for each LBaaS/Octavia object upon creation. In case external vip loadbalancer - the service will be created without an attachement, which will be added upon member creation. In addition a DB migration is added to mark as ERROR old incomplete load balancers. Depends-on: Ic4e604883a7b1437af995110d2d684c0bd396a52 Change-Id: Ib478c336840c2e441bbaeffe94700a5e267c6bef
385 lines
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385 lines
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# Copyright 2017 VMware, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from neutron_lib import exceptions as n_exc
from oslo_log import helpers as log_helpers
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_utils import excutils
from vmware_nsx._i18n import _
from vmware_nsx.common import exceptions as nsx_exc
from vmware_nsx.db import db as nsx_db
from vmware_nsx.services.lbaas import base_mgr
from vmware_nsx.services.lbaas import lb_const
from vmware_nsx.services.lbaas.nsx_v3.implementation import lb_utils
from vmware_nsxlib.v3 import exceptions as nsxlib_exc
from vmware_nsxlib.v3 import utils
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class EdgeLoadBalancerManagerFromDict(base_mgr.Nsxv3LoadbalancerBaseManager):
def create(self, context, lb, completor):
if not lb_utils.validate_lb_subnet(context, self.core_plugin,
msg = (_('Cannot create lb on subnet %(sub)s for '
'loadbalancer %(lb)s. The subnet needs to connect a '
'router which is already set gateway.') %
{'sub': lb['vip_subnet_id'], 'lb': lb['id']})
raise n_exc.BadRequest(resource='lbaas-subnet', msg=msg)
service_client = self.core_plugin.nsxlib.load_balancer.service
nsx_router_id = None
lb_service = None
nsx_router_id = lb_utils.NO_ROUTER_ID
router_id = lb_utils.get_router_from_network(
context, self.core_plugin, lb['vip_subnet_id'])
if router_id:
nsx_router_id = nsx_db.get_nsx_router_id(context.session,
lb_service = service_client.get_router_lb_service(nsx_router_id)
if not lb_service:
lb_size = lb_utils.get_lb_flavor_size(
self.flavor_plugin, context, lb.get('flavor_id'))
if router_id:
# Make sure the NSX service router exists
if not self.core_plugin.service_router_has_services(
context, router_id):
self.core_plugin.create_service_router(context, router_id)
lb_service = self._create_lb_service(
context, service_client, lb['tenant_id'],
router_id, nsx_router_id, lb['id'], lb_size)
lb_service = self._create_lb_service_without_router(
context, service_client, lb['tenant_id'],
lb, lb_size)
if not lb_service:
msg = (_('Failed to create lb service for loadbalancer '
'%s') % lb['id'])
raise nsx_exc.NsxPluginException(err_msg=msg)
context.session, lb['id'], lb_service['id'],
nsx_router_id, lb['vip_address'])
def _create_lb_service(self, context, service_client, tenant_id,
router_id, nsx_router_id, lb_id, lb_size):
"""Create NSX LB service for a specific neutron router"""
router = self.core_plugin.get_router(context, router_id)
if not router.get('external_gateway_info'):
msg = (_('Tenant router %(router)s does not connect to '
'external gateway') % {'router': router['id']})
raise n_exc.BadRequest(resource='lbaas-lbservice-create',
lb_name = utils.get_name_and_uuid(router['name'] or 'router',
tags = lb_utils.get_tags(self.core_plugin, router_id,
tenant_id, context.project_name)
attachment = {'target_id': nsx_router_id,
'target_type': 'LogicalRouter'}
lb_service = service_client.create(display_name=lb_name,
except nsxlib_exc.ManagerError as e:
LOG.error("Failed to create LB service: %s", e)
# Add rule to advertise external vips
context, self.core_plugin, router, nsx_router_id)
return lb_service
def _create_lb_service_without_router(self, context, service_client,
tenant_id, lb, lb_size):
"""Create NSX LB service for an external VIP
This service will not be attached to a router yet, and it will be
updated once the first member is created.
lb_id = lb['id']
lb_name = utils.get_name_and_uuid(lb['name'] or 'loadbalancer',
tags = lb_utils.get_tags(self.core_plugin, '',
tenant_id, context.project_name)
lb_service = service_client.create(display_name=lb_name,
except nsxlib_exc.ManagerError as e:
LOG.error("Failed to create LB service: %s", e)
return lb_service
def update(self, context, old_lb, new_lb, completor):
vs_client = self.core_plugin.nsxlib.load_balancer.virtual_server
app_client = self.core_plugin.nsxlib.load_balancer.application_profile
if new_lb['name'] != old_lb['name']:
for listener in new_lb['listeners']:
binding = nsx_db.get_nsx_lbaas_listener_binding(
context.session, new_lb['id'], listener['id'])
if binding:
vs_id = binding['lb_vs_id']
app_profile_id = binding['app_profile_id']
new_lb_name = new_lb['name'][:utils.MAX_TAG_LEN]
# Update tag on virtual server with new lb name
vs = vs_client.get(vs_id)
updated_tags = utils.update_v3_tags(
vs['tags'], [{'scope': lb_const.LB_LB_NAME,
'tag': new_lb_name}])
vs_client.update(vs_id, tags=updated_tags)
# Update tag on application profile with new lb name
app_profile = app_client.get(app_profile_id)
app_profile_id, tags=updated_tags,
except nsxlib_exc.ManagerError:
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
LOG.error('Failed to update tag %(tag)s for lb '
'%(lb)s', {'tag': updated_tags,
'lb': new_lb['name']})
def delete(self, context, lb, completor):
service_client = self.core_plugin.nsxlib.load_balancer.service
router_client = self.core_plugin.nsxlib.logical_router
lb_binding = nsx_db.get_nsx_lbaas_loadbalancer_binding(
context.session, lb['id'])
if lb_binding:
lb_service_id = lb_binding['lb_service_id']
nsx_router_id = lb_binding['lb_router_id']
lb_service = service_client.get(lb_service_id)
except nsxlib_exc.ManagerError:
LOG.warning("LB service %(lbs)s is not found",
{'lbs': lb_service_id})
vs_list = lb_service.get('virtual_server_ids')
if not vs_list:
# If there is no lb service attached to the router,
# delete the router advertise_lb_vip rule.
if nsx_router_id != lb_utils.NO_ROUTER_ID:
nsx_router_id, [],
except nsxlib_exc.ManagerError:
msg = (_('Failed to delete lb service %(lbs)s from nsx'
) % {'lbs': lb_service_id})
raise n_exc.BadRequest(resource='lbaas-lb', msg=msg)
context.session, lb['id'])
if nsx_router_id != lb_utils.NO_ROUTER_ID:
router_id = nsx_db.get_neutron_from_nsx_router_id(
context.session, nsx_router_id)
# Service router is needed only when the LB exist, and
# no other services are using it.
if not self.core_plugin.service_router_has_services(
def delete_cascade(self, context, lb, completor):
"""Delete all backend and DB resources of this loadbalancer"""
self.delete(context, lb, completor)
def refresh(self, context, lb):
# TODO(tongl): implement
def _nsx_status_to_lb_status(self, nsx_status):
if not nsx_status:
# default fallback
return lb_const.ONLINE
# Statuses that are considered ONLINE:
if nsx_status.upper() in ['UP', 'UNKNOWN', 'PARTIALLY_UP',
return lb_const.ONLINE
# Statuses that are considered OFFLINE:
if nsx_status.upper() in ['PRIMARY_DOWN', 'DETACHED', 'DOWN', 'ERROR']:
return lb_const.OFFLINE
if nsx_status.upper() == 'DISABLED':
return lb_const.DISABLED
# default fallback
LOG.debug("NSX LB status %s - interpreted as ONLINE", nsx_status)
return lb_const.ONLINE
def get_lb_pool_members_statuses(self, nsx_pool_id, members_statuses):
# Combine the NSX pool members data and the NSX statuses to provide
# member statuses list
# Get the member id from the suffix of the member in the NSX pool list
# and find the matching ip+port member in the statuses list
# get the members list from the NSX
nsx_pool = self.core_plugin.nsxlib.load_balancer.pool.get(nsx_pool_id)
if not nsx_pool or not nsx_pool.get('members'):
return []
# create a map of existing members: ip+port -> lbaas ID (which is the
# suffix of the member name)
members_map = {}
for member in nsx_pool['members']:
ip = member['ip_address']
port = member['port']
if ip not in members_map:
members_map[ip] = {}
members_map[ip][port] = member['display_name'][-36:]
# go over the statuses map, and match the member ip_port, to the ID
# in the map
statuses = []
for member in members_statuses:
ip = member['ip_address']
port = member['port']
if ip in members_map and port in members_map[ip]:
member_id = members_map[ip][port]
member_status = self._nsx_status_to_lb_status(member['status'])
statuses.append({'id': member_id, 'status': member_status})
return statuses
def get_operating_status(self, context, id, with_members=False):
"""Return a map of the operating status of all connected LB objects """
service_client = self.core_plugin.nsxlib.load_balancer.service
lb_binding = nsx_db.get_nsx_lbaas_loadbalancer_binding(
context.session, id)
if not lb_binding:
LOG.warning("Failed to get loadbalancer %s operating status. "
"Mapping was not found", id)
return {}
lb_service_id = lb_binding['lb_service_id']
service_status = service_client.get_status(lb_service_id)
if not isinstance(service_status, dict):
service_status = {}
vs_statuses = service_client.get_virtual_servers_status(
if not isinstance(vs_statuses, dict):
vs_statuses = {}
except nsxlib_exc.ManagerError:
LOG.warning("LB service %(lbs)s is not found",
{'lbs': lb_service_id})
return {}
# get the loadbalancer status from the LB service
lb_status = self._nsx_status_to_lb_status(
statuses = {lb_const.LOADBALANCERS: [{'id': id, 'status': lb_status}],
lb_const.LISTENERS: [],
lb_const.POOLS: [],
lb_const.MEMBERS: []}
# Add the listeners statuses from the virtual servers statuses
for vs in vs_statuses.get('results', []):
vs_status = self._nsx_status_to_lb_status(vs.get('status'))
vs_id = vs.get('virtual_server_id')
list_binding = nsx_db.get_nsx_lbaas_listener_binding_by_lb_and_vs(
context.session, id, vs_id)
if list_binding:
listener_id = list_binding['listener_id']
{'id': listener_id, 'status': vs_status})
# Add the pools statuses from the LB service status
for pool in service_status.get('pools', []):
nsx_pool_id = pool.get('pool_id')
pool_status = self._nsx_status_to_lb_status(pool.get('status'))
pool_binding = nsx_db.get_nsx_lbaas_pool_binding_by_lb_pool(
context.session, id, nsx_pool_id)
if pool_binding:
pool_id = pool_binding['pool_id']
{'id': pool_id, 'status': pool_status})
# Add the pools members
if with_members and pool.get('members'):
nsx_pool_id, pool['members']))
return statuses
def stats(self, context, lb):
# Since multiple LBaaS loadbalancer can share the same LB service,
# get the corresponding virtual servers' stats instead of LB service.
stats = {'active_connections': 0,
'bytes_in': 0,
'bytes_out': 0,
'total_connections': 0}
service_client = self.core_plugin.nsxlib.load_balancer.service
lb_binding = nsx_db.get_nsx_lbaas_loadbalancer_binding(
context.session, lb['id'])
vs_list = self._get_lb_virtual_servers(context, lb)
if lb_binding:
lb_service_id = lb_binding.get('lb_service_id')
rsp = service_client.get_stats(lb_service_id)
if rsp:
for vs in rsp.get('virtual_servers', []):
# Skip the virtual server that doesn't belong
# to this loadbalancer
if vs['virtual_server_id'] not in vs_list:
vs_stats = vs.get('statistics', {})
for stat in lb_const.LB_STATS_MAP:
lb_stat = lb_const.LB_STATS_MAP[stat]
stats[stat] += vs_stats.get(lb_stat, 0)
except nsxlib_exc.ManagerError:
msg = _('Failed to retrieve stats from LB service '
'for loadbalancer %(lb)s') % {'lb': lb['id']}
raise n_exc.BadRequest(resource='lbaas-lb', msg=msg)
return stats
def _get_lb_virtual_servers(self, context, lb):
# Get all virtual servers that belong to this loadbalancer
vs_list = []
for listener in lb['listeners']:
vs_binding = nsx_db.get_nsx_lbaas_listener_binding(
context.session, lb['id'], listener['id'])
if vs_binding:
return vs_list